Jill Orlov Exhibit

The amazing miniature work of Jill Orlov is now on display in a special exhibit at the Mini Time Machine Museum of Miniatures in Tucson, Arizona until September 15th.

Jill works in metal, welding steel and other materials into unique miniature scenes that are both realistic because of their accurate scale but also unlike any other miniatures you have seen.

The exhibit is titled “Borrowed Time/Borrowed Books” and it features six miniature scenes of libraries from movies (All the Presidents MenFahrenheit 451Wings of DesireThe Time Machine, and The Breakfast Club) and from the Twilight Zone.

My favorite is from Fahrenheit 451, the scene in which an old woman is willing to burn with her books.

Fahrenheit 451

One of the pieces, The Time Machine, is a sculpture composed of stacked vignettes progressing through the story of the film.

The museum also developed this video which explores Jill’s technique and her 6 libraries.